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Using The Advanced Segment Builder
Using The Advanced Segment Builder
Aleksandar Novkovski avatar
Written by Aleksandar Novkovski
Updated over a week ago

We have worked very hard to make the segment builder quite intuitive, and you should be able to pick up how it works by trying to create a new segment on your own. This can be found under lists > list actions > new segment, and then choose "based on a list".

However, in this document we will go over how it works, just to give you the confidence you need to start building segments in no-time.

Note: the advanced visual segment builder is only used when you build list-based segments. If you want to build a segment off of reports, the process is different.

Creating a segment

Once you click on the create a segment option, the first thing you will see is this screen. This is where you get to title your segment and (optionally, but well recommended) give it a description so you know why you created it.

We will choose "create segment based on a List" because we want to look at the new visual advanced segment builder which is used to define segments based on a list. To learn about the "create segment based on a report" read this document.

Choose your lists

The first thing you will want to do is tick the boxes for the lists that you want to pull subscribers from, in order to create this segment.

Adding a simple condition for a simple segment

Next, you will want to choose a condition, just to see how all of this works. Let's say we go for the tag-based condition, just to keep things simple.

You would click on the tags button on the bottom right, and this would open the tag chooser condition, as on the image.

In this example I am going to say I'm interested in subscribers who have a tag of "LookedAtPricingPage".

This is actually something that you can do on the fly with our fancy event-tracking system. You can have our system actually tag people who look at your pricing page.

So I put that in. (Alternatively, if I wanted a condition that excludes people with a certain tag, I would choose "is not").

I then click "Save Segment", and that's it!

I now have a new segment based on this condition. Now, in this case this segment only has 3 subscribers because this is an empty account for testing purposes. So only 3 people had this tag. I also named it "TestingSegments" in this case. In a real world situation you would probably name it something like "Pricing Page Visitors".

Adding multiple conditions

The really fun stuff happens when you start combining several conditions. So let us take our example one step further. Let's say we want to look at people who looked at our pricing page, but haven't opened any of our emails in over a month.

This is a very specific group of people because they were highly interested at one time (opening a pricing page is a high-interest signal), yet they don't care for our emails any more.

So I would just click on "Behavioral" and choose "Not opened", and set it to 30 days.

Note: Mind the switch in-between the conditions

In this example we actually want to match both conditions, so we left it as it is. By default it's set to "And". In this case this is true as we want a person to have both the "LookedAtPricingPage" tag, AND to also have opened none of our emails in the past 30 days.

Now, if you want to get into the really cool stuff, you will want to start using condition groups

This is where you can build the types of intricate and subtle distinctions that were impossible before we created our new builder. To learn more about condition groups (they're easy and fun), just check out the article on condition groups here.

If you want more details on how the different conditions work, we have help for that as well

Most of these conditions are quite intuitive, however if you want the extra confidence or aren't clear about any of them, check out this article on conditions in the advanced segment builder.

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