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Smart Personalization

In this article I will show you how some practical examples of using the smart personalization feature

Aleksandar Novkovski avatar
Written by Aleksandar Novkovski
Updated over a week ago

With smart personalization you can take the simplest and easiest most basic personalization technique, and make it more advanced in a few clicks.

If you’ve been reading our guides, you probably know that we always recommend that marketers always at the very least utilize the power of merge tags.

Unlike the more advanced personalization features, merge tags are super-easy to implement, and everyone should be using them from day one.

But what if you could take the ease of merge tags and make them hyper advanced?

Well, that is what smart personalization is all about. In fact, with smart personalization you can have Emercury dynamically insert different content based on a set of conditions. Think of it like “merge tags with advanced conditions”.

Let me give you the simplest example. You can define a condition such as “If the first name field has a value” then put in this piece of content that uses their name, alternatively, if the first-name field is missing, insert this other content instead.

And the easiest way to define these conditions is to just use our pop-up wizard. Just select the field, condition, and text for each outcome. The wizard will automatically insert the right expression for you inside of the email.

You might be thinking “I’ve seen this before”, as some apps have a so-called “fallback” option, where if a name is missing, it inserts something like “friend” instead of “Robert”. That’s not what we’re talking about here. This is not a simple fallback, this is far more advanced. We are introducing full conditional expressions here.

You can have completely different content based on a custom condition. We are talking about truly advanced personalization here.

You can think of the smart personalization wizard pop-up as the easy way to insert a smart-personalization expression into your email. If you’re happy with that, then you don’t have to touch it and let it do its magic.

If you're feeling more advanced, you can, however, if you want to, manually adjust the expression to exactly what content displays for what condition, and even use merge tags inside of the expression!

Let’s look at an example with more advanced conditions

You are not limited to whether a field is empty or not. We have all the condition checks you would expect, and that gives you almost unlimited power and possibilities.

For example, let’s say that you have a field where you store “number of employees” for a company. Well, you could set it so that if the recipient is a business with “less than” a certain number of employees, their email shows one version of the content. And otherwise, they are shown a different version of the content.

[new] Utilizing the (or) feature to target multiple conditions

You might have noticed the OR field that lets you define multiple values to check against. This is a very convenient feature we added due to user request. With this cool feature you can check against multiple values.

Let's say that you want to show a certain piece of content if someone is from Chicago, Miami or Los Angeles. Well, you no longer have to define 3 separate expressions for each city!

You can just define one expression that checks the value of the subscriber's city. And then you can say if city is "Chicago" or "Miami" or "Los Angeles", well then display the following content.

I’m merely scratching the surface with the examples here

Remember that you can define custom fields of any kind, and if you combine this with the different conditions, there are almost an infinite amount of combinations you can come up with. And we can’t wait to see how you use this feature.

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