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Mapping Custom Fields in WP Fusion
Mapping Custom Fields in WP Fusion

How to set-up real-time sync between your WordPress and Emercury

Aleksandar Novkovski avatar
Written by Aleksandar Novkovski
Updated over a week ago

Wouldn't it be super-useful if all of your custom subscriber data on Emercury automatically synced to your WordPress website? Well, this is now possible with WpFusion. Just make sure to set it up on your WordPress site first.

Next, go to the "Contact Fields" tab under settings β†’ Wp Fusion

Once inside, you should see something like this:

You will notice that by default the First Name, Last Name and Email are automatically mapped to the appropriate fields in your Emercury account. This means that if you change any of these inside of WordPress, they will automatically update in Emercury as well, and vice-versa.

However, if you want to define some custom fields, there's just one more step, although quite simple

Let us say you want to sync the user's "Biography" field in WordPress to an Emercury field. All you have to do is go to the dropdown and choose the equivalent field in Emercury.

In the case of this screenshot, you will see that I chose a custom field "called" test in Emercury, just for testing purposes. However, you should simply choose the custom field where you want to store this information. You might for example have a field in Emercury called "User Bio".

And of course, if you haven't created a custom field for this purpose yet, make sure to create one first in assets -> fields manager

Also note the selected dropdown that says "textarea". This is where you choose the type of field that you are using inside of Emercury. Make sure that it matches.

It's a good idea to test this the first time you do it, just to see how it works

In my case I mapped the biography to the "test" field inside my Emercury account. So I am going to go to edit a WordPress user and just change their biography like so:

Make sure to click "Update User". Otherwise the changes will neither save nor sync. If you do click "update user", any new information will usually be synced to Emercury instantly. And if I go to Emercury and open that user's profile, I will see the following:

If it didn't sync instantly, and you don't want to wait, you can also trigger a manual push. Just go back to the WordPress user page, scroll down to the "push" section and click on that.

Troubleshooting and things to note

1) What are those numbered fields about?

When you click on the list of fields to sync to, you might see fields such as "field 10", "field 11" and so forth. These are not fields you can actually map to. These are empty slots that you haven't used for a custom field yet. In total, with your account you get 30 custom fields. So the dropdown is simply showing you unused slots.

A custom field is mappable and usable in WpFusion if it has a defined name, that is you created the field before connecting WpFusion and Emercury

2) What about creating new fields?

That's simple, just go ahead and create a new custom field in Emercury and give it a name. Then, find the "refresh available tags and custom fields" button in WpFusion.

After you do this, you should see your newly-created Emercury field appear as an option in the WpFusion mapping screen.

3) Can I create new user fields in WordPress?

Sure can! You're not limited to just the fields that come in by default. You can also map fields created by supported plugins. For example let's say that you use a learning-management system in WordPress that tracks a student's progress. You can map that to an Emercury field.

But that's not all. You can even define completely custom fields just like you do in Emercury. While there are a few plugins that you can do this with, WpFusion has great support for ACF (advanced custom fields). The free version lets you define all the custom user fields that you want. And then, WpFusion will let you map them to Emercury. Pretty neat right?

4) If anything weird happens, don't be afraid to do a reset
While following the guide above should work perfectly fine most of the time, sometimes you might run into a weird situation where for example WpFusion is not showing the custom fields in the dropdown menu for mapping.

The first thing you should try is hitting that "Refresh Available Tags & Fields" button. But if that doesn't work, don't be afraid to do a full reset and re-connect. That solves even the most rare and unexplainable issues you might ever run into when using WpFusion.

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