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Integrating Unbounce with Emercury using Integromat
Integrating Unbounce with Emercury using Integromat

Let's look a typical scenario where you build a landing page with Unbounce, and then have Emercury automatically follow up with every lead.

Michael Batalha avatar
Written by Michael Batalha
Updated over a week ago

In this tutorial we're going to look a typical scenario where you build a landing page with Unbounce, and then have Emercury automatically follow up with every lead gathered by your Unbounce page.

In this walk-through we will go through a simple scenario. 

  • We will pick an Unbounce template

  • Customize the form fields so they're appropriate for Emercury

  • And then we will link it to our Emercury account for effortless and automated follow-up email marketing

In the process you will learn some basic, but crucial lessons to using Unbounce and Integromat. You will also gain an understanding about how you can integrate your different software solutions with Emercury.

In this tutorial, we assume that you’re brand new to both Unbounce and Integromat, so some of the information might be redundant to you. We still urge you to at least skim through all sections of the walk-through. It will take you just a couple of minutes, but it will make sure that you’re not missing out on anything crucial.

Part 1: Create a new landing page

Log into your Unbounce account, and choose "Pages" from the left menu. You should arrive at the pages overview screen. Then simply click on the blue "Create New" button on the top-right of your screen.

For the purposes of this tutorial we will choose the Mova template, and then click on the "Start with this template" button.

Part 2: Customize the form

Depending on the template that you choose, the form inside it might or might not have the appropriate fields to allow for integration with Emercury. This is because our the integration we use requires both a first name and last name to work properly.

Most of the templates on Unbounce have these fields separated, but not all of them. For this tutorial, we purposefully chose a template that only asks for "name", so that you can see how we can adapt it for our purposes.

2a) Get to the form (its hidden inside of a lightbox)

This templates uses a "lightbox form". If you're not familiar with the term, it simply means the form appears on-screen by request.

A landing page that uses a lightbox will not feature the actual form. You typically have to perform an action such as clicking a button. This in turn triggers a lightbox to pop into a view and take over the screen. The form is inside of this lightbox.

If you want to modify a form that's hidden inside of lightbox, you have to first get lightbox screen to open up.

In the case of this specific template, the lightbox activates when your visitor clicks on "Request a demo". 

Well, if you're trying to edit your landing page design, you need to use this same button to get into lightbox-editing-mode as well:

  • Click on the "Request A Demo" button

  • If you do this, a smaller gray button will appear underneath it that says "Edit Lightbox"

  • You will also see the properties panel on the right change and feature a bigger "Edit Lightbox" button as well

  • You can click either of the two buttons in order to go into lightbox editing mode

2b)  Now get to the "Edit Form Fields" screen

Select the form area. Basically click on the name or email field, and you will see a marque drawn around the two form fields. This means you've selected "the form". And so the properties on the right will change so that you may edit the properties of this form. In this case, you will see an "Edit Form Fields" button.

Click on the "Edit Form Fields" button and you will get the "Design Your Form" screen.

2c) Rename the "Name" Field to "First Name"

Simply Click on the Name field to select it

Then type in "First Name" in the "Field Label" option.

2d) Add a "Last Name" field

Simply click on "Text Field" on the right, and choose "Single Line Text Field".

This will add a third field called "Untitled"

Your cursor should probably automatically focus on the "Field Label" option with a blinking line to let you know that you may start typing, as Unbounce knows that you probably want to change the name. Simply rename it to "Last Name".

Next you want to click that little up arrow on the Last Name, so as to move it up by one spot.

This will make the Last Name field appear after the First Name field, which is obviously more logical than having it after the email field.

Next, you will want to make this field mandatory. Simply tick the "Required field" box in the bottom right corner.

That's it. Your form is now ready for Emercury, and really any system that separates the first name and last name. Simply click on that blue "Done" button to save these changes.

2e) Fix the design issues caused by your form modifications

After you click the done button, you will notice something weird. Your email field is tucked under the submit button. This is because Unbounce doesn't adjust the design automatically when you add or remove fields. You have to do it manually.

Click on the fields, and then in the properties section on the right, scroll down until you see field attributes. And underneath it notice the "Height" setting.

Simply lower the value to "25", and you will notice how all 3 form fields now fit comfortably inside the visible area.

You will also probably notice that Unbounce is warning you that your mobile view has been affected by your changes to the form fields. Simply click on the "Mobile" tab, and repeat the same tweaks to the height attribute, and this will fix the mobile design as well. 

After you're done with everything, make sure to click on the blue "Save" button before you proceed with the next part.

Part 3: Integrate Your Landing Page with Emercury

In order to connect Unbounce and Emercury we will be using a very powerful integration tool called Integromat. A free Integromat account gives you access to all the features you need for this and most scenarios.

But you will also get an idea about how you can use Integromat to create powerful custom integrations between Emercury and all your favorite software. The possibilities are endless.

3a) Create a new Integromat Scenario to integrate Unbounce and Emercury

Just find the "Create a New Scenario" button anywhere in your Integromat dashboard.

In the screen that follows, just type in "Unbounce". Next, click on the Unbounce Icon to get a checkmark on it.

Next, search for "Emercury" and click the Emercury icon to get it checkmarked. Then click on the continue button.

3b) Set the first module to "Watch for form submissions" on Unbounce

Simply find that big question mark in the middle of your screen

Right click on it until you see the choose module option.

Choose Unbounce from the list that appears on the right

3c) Create a webhook inside Integromat

First, you will want to set up the webhook on the Integromat side. You should probably see a dialogue for choosing a webhook. It triggers automatically after you choose the module which we chose in the previous step. 

If you don't see it, just right-click on the "Watch Form Submissions" and choose "settings". This will open the dialogue screen shown here.

Simply click on the add button, and then on the lift, choose a name for your webhook. We chose "My First Unbounce Landing Page".

Next, click on that "Copy Address" button. We're going to need to paste this adress inside of Unbounce.

3d) Add the webhook and appropriate settings in Unbounce

First, go to your list of pages, and click on the landing page we are working on.

You will get to the "Page Details" screen. From here you want to do 3 things in order to get to the "New Webhook screen.

  1. Click on the Integrations tab

  2. Then click on the Webhooks tab

  3. And the finally click on the "Add Webhook" tab

You will now see the "Add a webhook" screen. And in the top field you will want to paste that adress you copied into your clipboard a few steps back.

Next, click on the "Unbounce Form Data" accordion, and it will roll-out a list of the fields that will be sent to Integromat.

Simply observe that the 3 fields we have in the form have a name that you can change. If you want, you can change these to something you like. 

But in our case we're just going to leave them as they are, and simply remember these names, so as to choose them when appropriate inside our Integromat scenarios.

Oh, and be sure to click the blue "Save Changes" button so that your integromat webhook address is saved. Otherwise it won't pass data over to our Integromat scenario.

3e) [Necessary] Do a test submission

Due to how this Unbounce integration works, you need to do a test submission in order for Integromat to understand what values the landing page may send to the webhook. 

First, in your Integromat scenario you want to click on the "Run Once" button. This lets it wait for incoming data. It's perfect for testing things.

While your Integromat scenario is running in the background, you want to submit a test submission. In order to do this, you will need to publish your page and the visit its url. 

  • Just go back that page overview screen, and click on that blue "Publish button on the top right

  • Then click on the page url. It's right of that keylock icon

Once your Landing Page opens up. Click on that "Request Demo" button, and fill in some test data.

3f) And the finally, add the Emercury module

Click the plus button on the first module.

Choose Emercury from the list that presents itself.

Choose "Update Subscriber" from the list of Emercury Modules.

  • In the resulting screen, under Audience ID input the ID of the Emercury audience where you want these leads to end up. For example, if you create an Audience in Emercury called "Unbounce Leads", copy its ID number. Then paste it in this field.

  • Under "Date Format" simply type in 17.

Scroll down to the Email Field, and click inside it, to get the typing cursor. This will make a list of values appear to the right.

Click on the "your_email" value under answers, and it should appear in the email address field on the left. 

Then handle the following as such

  • Optin Date <<< date_submitted

  • Optin IP <<< ip_adress

  • Optin website <<< page_url

And do the same with the first name and last name

Click the blue OK button on this module, and you're done!

Test the integration

Yes, it means that what you submit in your Elementor form will instantly appear in your Emercury account. And if you have an automation follow-up set-up, it means that the second you submit this Elementor form, it will trigger an automation in Emercury. Pretty cool right?

  • As before, click on the "Run Once" button inside your Integromat scenario

  • Go to your Unbounce page overview, and click on the public url of the landing page that you created

  • Once the landing page is open, click on "Request Demo" and fill in that form with some test data

If everything works out, you'll see a new contact in the appropriate Emercury audience. You will also see a "1" pop up over the two modules of your scenario. 

This means that the scenario has successfully processed 1 lead for you. In this case that one test submission that you did. 

If you want this scenario to run 24/7 and send all of your Unbounce Leads to Emercury automatically, be sure to flip that "On Switch" at the bottom left.

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