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Trigger - Field Match

In this article you will learn how to use the trigger for matching fields.

Michael Batalha avatar
Written by Michael Batalha
Updated over a week ago

This triggers adds a contact to an automation if a particular field matches your criteria. 

Once selected you will be presented with an option to select the field you would like to check and the condition as well as the field value. 

Fields can be customized using the Asset Manager - Fields Manager.  Learn more about customizing fields.

Condition options are:
Equal to
Not Equal To
Starts with
Ends with
Doesn't start with
Doesn't end with 

Once you have selected your Field Trigger settings the automation will start based on any of these conditions being met. 

Once you have successfully created the Trigger you will see this Field Match Trigger in Blue inside your automation. This is the start of your automation. To edit any of the settings just click on the Field Match Label and this will bring you back into the settings of the Field Match Trigger. 

You are now ready to drag and drop your message to follow this trigger or another condition as shown here. 

That's it. That wasnt so hard was it? Let us know if you have any feedback or questions. We are always here to help. You can also look for example of workflows we have setup in our help section. 

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