Why would you need to merge lists? Merging list was created to combine lists to clean up your lists area. Many times you create lists or subsets of lists and have the need to merge them based on some specific quality the subscribers share.
Now you can do this with Emercury through the lists area. When merging your lists you don't have to worry about losing any valuable information like, unsubscribe status or engagement status (Opens, Clicks, complaints). All this information is also merged.
Heres how:
First you will go to your Lists area located on the top menu of your tool bar.
Once you are in the Lists area then select the List Actions Option for
Once you select Merge Lists you will be brought to the lists selection page where you can select 2 or more lists that you would like to merge. Once you have selected your lists then click the Merge button.
Once you click the Merge button you will be asked to name your new list.
Note: This will not delete your selected lists. This will create a new list that basically copies all the data from all your selected lists and merges it all into one list. Once you see everything has been merged you can then decide to clean up the older lists if you choose to do so.
Once you click start this will begin the merging process. You will be brought back to your lists area from where you started and you may see an Updating status next to your new list name. This is normal as it is working to merge your lists.
Once it is complete you will see the finished results of the merged lists. You can also click the Refresh button that is next to the List Actions button to check to see if the lists have finished merging.
That's it. That was pretty easy right? Let us know if you have any questions.